Seasons Change

Well I can say that once again I have felt the change of season of our lives. I welcome the feeling, excited to see all that God has in store for us in this leg of our journey. I am in the resting and regrouping phase of this change, a much needed Refreshing. This is the first time in many, many years that I am not working outside the home (not even by selling anything), not in any group, club, PTA, extra activities, etc. And not preparing for anything upcoming, party or anything. With school recently letting out we are spending our summer cleaning, purging, reorganizing, and repriortizing. And spend lots of time hanging out in our back yard playing, enjoying the lazy days of summer. Refocusing on what's important to us as a family, me as a mother, as a woman, as a wife. One really big change in our lives is the decision that my husband and I made (after many years of thought, discussion, and prayer), our three younger daughters will no longer attend public school. I will start homeschooling them, hoping to start in July. Very excited about this decision!! I believe that God has already given me everything that I need to complete this task. I just need to seek his guidance and discipline.


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