Idea Corner.... Rountine charts

Routine charts are great help for kids and parents. Well I put a little different spin on them. We took construction paper and using medium size letter stickers we did the child's name and bedtime or morning. e.i. Sydney's Bedtime. Then we listed things that needed to be done like brush teeth and glued clipart next to it. Continued with the list. Then I laminated them leaving a little extra room at the bottom (I used two pieces of laminate paper so I would have the extra room). Then we used little wooden stars that we let the girls paint and velcro dots from the fabric dept. We put one side of the Velcro next to the clipart and the other on the back of the stars. Then I put another row of velcro at the bottom to hold the stars when they weren't next to task and the task was complete. The girls love them, the velcro makes a sound. There are no stickers or markers to keep up with. And they learn to take responsibility for themselves without me nagging a thousand times to get things done.
I love this idea and need to do something like this myself. Mornings can be SO hectic!